So, I did this whole post and took forever because putting pictures on here and labeling them all is a pain, and when I posted it I realized it was the reading blog, not this one. So oy vay. It's been so long since I posted, I thought I would give a little update. I'm not sure if I've mentioned on here, but I have a second job now, working in the box office at the Washington Performing Arts Society, which sponsors all sorts of shows (mostly music--classical, jazz, etc) at different venues in the city. It's pretty good, though I hate being cooped up in an office all day. The extra paycheck is really nice. Also, I'm sure you all know, I'm living with Christie right now. It's fun, nice to have sister time. The commute is brutal, but it beats paying rent. Anyway, for some fun things-I recently made a trip up to Philadelphia and we went to the Eastern State Penitentiary, the oldest penitentiary in the world, I believe. Not to be confused with prison--apparently they are different things. Pictures!
Watch Tower
Death Row
Al Capone's Cell
It was really cool and old and creepy. I'm hoping to go back sometime and do the ghost tour. OOOOOOO!!!! Scaryyy. Anyhoo, hope to hear from the rest of you soon. LOVE LOVE!