Thursday, August 30, 2007

So much going on!!!

So there has been lots going on lately!! yeah, Aunt Flow is STILL here!!! She's one who I only like for a week...not three months!! UGH!! but I stopped taking my birth control because the on call doctor said that was probably a good idea. Mike didn't think it was though. He didn't know if it was dangerous to just stop. But thats the only way to do it that I can think of. So yeah....enough on that.
Well yesterday I went to my high school to see my guidance teacher Mr. Barrett. We switched my schedule so that I go to hair school in the morning and then I come back and I take my english. I get out of school every day at 12:35 which is so super to me. I'd rather excel in the areas I need to than be there longer to fail in ones I hate. He encouraged me to take a math or law class but I decided on no. I told him I didn't know what I wanted to do once I left high school. (criminal physcology is in mind). My transcript for the past three years hasn't been anything impressive for a good college I can tell you that. he goes "wow, each year your grade point average went up" I said "Yeah, thats because I stopped doing drugs" He was so proud. Hes like "SEE YOUR LIVING PROOF OF WHAT PEOPLE CAN DO IF THEY STOP GETTING HIGH!" I said, yes I know I am. So because I'm only getting four credits this year ( three for cosmo, one for english) that means I am a part-time" student. Which really doesn't mean anything except that I can't be on any sports teams or apply for Social Security Income (oh darn on those two!) I think that also means if I want to go to prom or anything like that, I have to be invited. But thats ok with me.
So last night at my meeting I got into a big yelling fight with this guy Scott, who helped me get clean when I was 15. I was very angry at him because he's been telling everyone I don't have two years clean because I was prescribed Lorazapam for anxiety ( Lorazapam is in the same family as valuim, "habit- forming"--I did my research and disagreed with the doctor) and he has been saying mean things about me and mike. So I was upset. OH and I was really P.O'd because he tried to sleep with my friend amanda, who just came back from a two month binge relapse. I wouldn't of been that upset, except he has tried to sleep with many new, good looking girls that come into the rooms. So I had had enough of him!!!!
So, I confronted him. We were away from the group of kids that go to the meetings, and I said to him "Scott, stop running your mouth about me relapsing, and me and michael" and he came right out and said that he was talking about me, which was a good thing. Honesty. But he just got so angry when I said something about sleeping with the new commers. So one thing leads to another, mean vulgar things were pasted between the two of us, and it became a yelling match. RB, the director of the group had to come over and talk to us. He said "You both have things you need to work on as indiviuals, so I want you to do that, and in a month the three of us will sit down and talk, it got out of hand tonight, so let's just leave it at that" I agreed. But the fight lasted like another ten minutes because then scott threw a big fit to RB, he was like "I DONT NEED SOMEONE HERE TELLING ME THAT I F*CK THE NEW COMMERS, IF I WANT TO F*CK SOMEONE, I'M GUNNA!" I said "yeah scott, unless they say no, like I did when I was 15 and amanda did just two weeks ago! and if you still push it, that's rape!" then he went off on how I was the one who yelled the whole time, and he never raised his voice once, and I'm the one who needs to stop yelling. and went on a big guilt trip that didn't work for me or RB. SO it was quite the event.
I know that I should have tried to keep my temper under control, but he said some things to me that I couldn't hold back on. But the important thing is that I confronted him, whether the right way or not, and hopefully he'll listen and stop doing what he's doing. I also said to him "you come in here acting like your some God from heaven and act like your number one because you have three and a half years clean, but your just as sick as the rest of us, the only difference is we talk about it, you don't because you think it will ruin your image" It was pretty rude of me to say, but it was a true statement. I should have said some things differently but it happened. I made amanda cry, because she doesn't like confrontation, so because i'm her "sponser-type" I'm going to have to sit down and have a good talk with her because she needs to learn to confront. She said taht she gets hit on all the time like the way scott did a few weeks ago and it didnt' really affect her, but it should so I yelled at her after. Then I realized I was yelling at her and maiking her cry more, so I stopped yelling and said sorry and talked to her normally. Sometimes, Mike can agree to this, in the middle of a fight, I either catch myself saying something wrong or raising my voice and stop, and others I just keep going with the anger. Those were two examples! lol. So yeah...I'm good now. I thought I'd share the drama with the Fam because I was pretty upset last night.
That's all for now folks. Much Love <3


Christie said...

Well that sounds very dramatic, but it is good that you confronted someone about saying things they have no right to be saying- it shows that you have confidence in yourself and you don't want anyone trying to ruin the image you have created for yourself.

As for school, I agree that you should be doing what you like and excel at- although dabbling in the things you aren't great at is good too sometimes. And if you are wanting to look into criminal psychology, let me know- I've got lots of books you could start with, and if you are still interested, I will help you find a place to continue your education. I know it seems like no one will accept you because your grades haven't been the hottest, but that's not all they look at. Just let me know if you want to start with reading a little bit of what I've got, and then we can go from there. In the meantime, have fun and take good care of yourself! :) (And no offense to Mike, but if he wants you to be healthy, he'll just have to get over you being off the pill- tell him there is another way type of birth control- it's called keeping it in his pants. Hee hee! ;))

Kathy said...

Well, Jenn, at least you know what you need to work on. But it also shows that you are passionate about the people you care about. While maybe you didn't handle things perfectly, you stood up for yourself and for Amanda. We all go a little crazy now and then. Don't let anyone push you around. Just be aware of how YOU can change. I think you are terrific and I pray that your Senior year is a good one, even if it is part-time. Work hard. You may not know how much it means to graduate until later. Not to mention how much it will mean to your mom to see you in a goofy cap and gown!

Jenn said...

Well I would be extremely interested in any books that you have Christie!!!! I'm glad I have you to help me out on this.
Thanks aunt kathy, I'm looking forward to the cap and gown myself =)