Monday, August 27, 2007

Happy 21st Birthday!!

Ah, Nathan....
Wasn't he so sweet, and cute, and huggable, and lovable?
Those were the days when he was "Baby Nathan", well that lasted until he was about 5, and Brian was born. :)
Today, he has reached adulthood, in full force.
But, who couldn't resist a peek at Nate before he became so entranced in Science fiction?
Always known as the "ET" photo,
could this be why he had a fascination with ET, Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien...
Need I go on??
Yes, I do...
Nate, I am so happy that I chose the path I did. You are the one of my best accomplishments, even though you are your own accomplishment. I am proud of you, and the man you have become. You have always seemed to have an idea of what you wanted from life, and have reached to find it. I can't express nearly well enough the light you brought to my life, and I know I am fully embarrassing you, and myself!
Happy Birthday, Nate!
I love you!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I think that picture is adorable. I can't believe he's 21!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATE!!! yayayaya