Thursday, August 16, 2007

nathans adventures part 1

this is us gunnersmates getting ready for the big shoot today. what you see is the 25mm chain gun and the gm's getting the ammo ready to load.
it is a really dark photo of me but i guess it will work. because you cant really see, i am wearing what is required at all gun shoots. it is a flak jacket( it helps slow down shrapnel from explosions), safty glasses. and my customized helmet underneath my arm. all that on with 90 degree weather makes for a very sweaty day!!!!!!
i just figured i would put this on here cause i know how all of you like pretty landscapes. Sunsets at sea are some of the best!!! and best of all i got to shoot guns and throw hand grenades, plus a great sunset makes for a great day. now if only they would let me sleep!!! :)
more to follw later.


Beth said...

the ocean has always been a favorite place of mine, I really enjoy the photos of both the landscapes and of you!

Kathy said...

Hey Nate, I can't wait for Grama to see your posts! She will be so excited. Thank you for sharing them with us. It's really amazing what you do...and that the same sun sets on us each day as it does you. Gotta love guns and sunsets!