Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Those were the days, my friends........

We thought they'd never end..........

We'd sing and dance.....................

Forever and a day................

We'd live the life we'd choose..........

We'd fight and never lose............those were the days......oh, yes, those were the days.........

And now they are the "good old days"........but these days are going to be the good old days.....someday.........


Christie said...

AWWWWWWWW! That's so awesome Mom! Get me a little teary... I'm too damn emotional anyways, and then with The Notebook last night, geez! Haha. Congrats on your big day! :)

Poopsie said...

That was so sweet! I love the photo of Mammie and Beepa!

Chris, I haven't watched the Notebook... But, if this would make me tear up, I imagine that would. :)

Beth said...

I agree. Great Post! I hope you do somthing special tonight, but don't tell us where!