Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Circus Freak

So, I know I already posted pictures from the circus, but this a picture someone else took that I found and I think you will all enjoy it immensely. At the end of every summer, the costumer goes through the old costumes and has sort of a yard sale where people can look through them and take whatever they want. Needless to say, it's a bit of a free-for-all and people end up walking around in crazy outfits. Well, this year, Paige and I found this amazing unitards which were used during Sci-fi year and wore them around for a while. We even trekked through the woods to sneak up on the other concessionaires. It was ridiculous. So anyway, here I am.


Kathy said...

I'm so proud to call you my daughter! Thanks for sharing what has to be one of the funniest photos ever taken of you! It kills me. So now when I feel sad I will just look at it and feel..glad?

Christie said...

I love this picture! I already saw it on Facebook and I find it incredibly humorous and wonderful!

Jenn said...

That is the best outfit in the whole world!! Gotta love those full suit spandex outfits

Beth said...

Great picture! I love it so much I printed it out and have it hanging on my wall at the office....NOT! LOL!
Maybe you should wear that and Jenn can wear her rain outfit to the next family function....what fun!

sam said...

i love that picture of u and the outfit looks like lots of fun!! lol