Friday, September 28, 2007

College visit

Well, yesterday mom me and dad all went to visit McIntosh College in Dover New Hampshire. It was a very fun trip (after we weren't lost anymore) and I learned alot. The college is a very small one, which is good because I dont see myself surviving a big college.
They are offering a fifteen month program for criminal justice and classes start on July 9th, 2008. I will be graduated from college September 19,2009 I believe. When you graduate they help you find a job in the field you came there to study. I think that it is pretty cool and I like it alot because its small and not alot of students and a lot of fun activities and the dorm security guy said that "downtown" is full of a bunch of fun things to do in my spare time. There's still some things to consider...but nothing I can't work out in eight months!


Christie said...

YAY JENN! I'm so excited for you! It's awesome that you are interested in what I went to school for! Make sure you check out all your options before you make a choice, but I'm excited you've found somewhere that appeals to you and that you are so interested in. Good luck in it all, you'll be great! :)

sam said...

i think it is such a great thing that u are considering college. im very proud of u!!!

Kathy said...

Jenn the college girl! Very exciting! I'm proud of you for thinking about going. If you need anything, let me know! Love, Aunt Kathy

Jenn said...

alright now you guys are freaking me out about the whole college thing lol

Beth said...

all Dad and I care about is that you do what YOU want to do and be happy doing it! We love you and are proud of you no matter what!

Poopsie said...

College, take it from me....
Do it while you are young! It's no fun at all when you are an old fart like me!