Sunday, September 30, 2007

Good Morning!

Well, Tanner was born just yesterday!! and he is adorable. 6 pounds 11 ounces, 19 inches long, 10 fingers and 10 toes. He's beautiful. We had to wait for ever before we could see her and then I finally got to go in when she was breast feeding him. Clyde and Sandy, the happy grandparents left shortly after, because they had been there since five in the morning. So I stayed with her for a while and then the nurses let Mike, Brook, Aalyah and baby Brice in to see her. We left so she could be alone, because they were going to bathe him and her and let her eat and sleep. I was there from ten to three but it was worth it. Aalyah was pretty excited she was there when her cousin was born. Well I'm going to go now, love to all

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