Monday, September 10, 2007

Here I am Again!

YAY! I have internet at my house now, so I will be online more often and thus be more inclined to post more often. I am very excited. Nothing very exciting is happening at school or anything, but I said before that I would post some pictures from the summer, so I will do that now. It wasn't the best summer with the circus because of problems with my boss and other people I worked with, but it wasn't a total loss. Here are a few highlights.

This is me on my birthday in Essex. If it is your birthday and the clowns know about it, you will get a pie in the face. It is usually done by Josh, who was head counselor. I wore my glasses on purpose because they use shaving cream which kind of burns and wouldn't feel good on contacts.

This is a blurry picture of the ferry dock on Martha's Vineyard. This beach was right across the street from our site. Needless to say, I spent quite a bit of time there. It was soooo hot so it was nice to have the water so nearby.

One morning, Paige and I decided to get up at the crack of dawn and watch the sun rise and bike around the island. This is where we ended up, just a tiny harbor somewhere in Edgartown. It was a lot of fun. Below is me on my bike.

This is Paige and I at the Pirate's Cove Golf course in North Conway, NH. We both lost pretty bad but we got these cool hats at the end. :)And finally, at North Conway our site was at a Ski resort and one morning I needed to blow off some steam so I climed to the top of the ski slope. It was exhausting but worth it when I got to the top. This is only one part of an amazing view I had from a large boulder I rested on at the top of the mountain.

So anyway, this is a long post, but I wanted to share some of my summer with you all because even though it didn't go that well this summer, it is still very important to me, so I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my adventures. I will post again soon hopefully with other fun and interesting things! LOVE LOVE!


Kathy said...

Even though I have been lucky enough to have seen some of these photos before, I really enjoyed seeing them again. I'm glad you finally have internet at your house. It will make a huge difference! Can't wait to see more! Love, MUM

Beth said...

Thanks for sharing, looking forward to seeing/hearing more!

Poopsie said...

Hi, Sparkie!
What a fantastic view! It is good to know you found a way to bow off steam, and then had a great reward at the end. :)
I enjoyed your photos, and stories about your travels. :)