Sunday, September 30, 2007


well thursday was my one month for being sober. i am really proud of myself and came to realize that being sober really does have alot of positives to it. nicole and i are back to being friends. i guess when i was drinking i was to nieve to realize thats why she wasnt speaking with me. so i think that is a great thing the other day we went to iparty and hung out trying on all the masks and costumes for about 45 mins to and hour. it was alot of fun and she even looked at me and said "see i have alot of fun with you when you are sober, well we had a few times where it was fun when you were drinking till it got outta hand but i am really proud of you and happy that we are hanging out again" when she told me that i was really happy and thinking about makes me realize how proud my family is and that i did do the right thing even though sometimes it feels like im doing it for nothing but im doing it because i truely am happier. i am also back to work thank god and i am even getting overtime. so that is very exciting as well.


Jenn said...

Congrats SAMBALAM!! I love you, keep it up your doing well

Kathy said...

Great job Sam!! Keep in mind that it IS worth it. You don't have to do it for anyone else. Being healthy is for YOU! I'm glad that you and Nichole are seeing each other again. Your family ( are really proud of you for battling! Keep it up!

Beth said...

Dad and I are REALLY proud of you too! It truly is "one day at a time"! So just take it as that and it makes things a little easier sometimes. You go girl!

Jenn said...

Sorry, I was cut short earlier....but I just wanted to say that I am really proud of you for stepping up and recognizing your problem and trying to get better. It gets easier as the days stack up...but there are times where it just doesn't seem like the right choice. Even though your young and "should be" partying, you'll realize soon enough that your better than those people and that your the one thats going to make it somewhere in life...not the people who choose to still use...and I'm glad because if you didnt get clean I might of had to ring your neck....I COULDN'T HANDLE IT ANYMORE!! lol..I still love you

Poopsie said...

Sam, you keep on making hte right choice. Each day, you will need to make it all over again, but I know you can do it!
I love you. :)

sam said...

thank you everyone for the support you all have been giving me i know i couldnt do it on my own i love you all very much and i cant explain the emotions i get reading and realizing how much everyone really does love and care about me thank you for everything everyone!!!!! i love you guys so much!!!