Thursday, October 4, 2007


well i did good. i got my first navy challange coin. for those who dont know about what they are for, you get challange coins when you do something good for a chief or higher. i got mine because i helped a chief from another ship out here out. he needed a part for his ammunition elevator and i gave him the part he needed so they could pass a inspection. on it is engraved "Mors ultima linea rerum est". it is latin for "Death is everything's final limit". just thought it was a cool thing to put out there for you guys. i will try to upload a picture later. for the origin of this item check out this website-


Beth said...

That is VERY cool! Thanks for sharing, it's why I love this blog so much!

Kathy said...

Wow. What a cool thing! Thank you for telling us about it. It's good to hear from you!! Keep up the great work!

Jenn said...

Good job nathan!! You're making us all back home very proud of you!! I miss you

Anonymous said...

i am VERY proud of you, Nate!!I love it when you share. i miss you

Poopsie said...

Hey, how come the mother is the last to know?

I am even more proud of you than a minute ago, that is pretty hard to do. :)