Friday, October 12, 2007


Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to yooouuuuuuu...
Happy birthday to you.

And mannny more!

Hope you have a fabulous day!
Love, Christie

p.s. Aren't you glad you didn't have to listen to me sing? :)


Kathy said...

Jenn, we just aren't good singers. But we do wish you a happy birthday. The big 1-8???? Try to be kind to your parents as they adjust to the idea!

Nathan said...

Happy birthday there cousin. now dont go and get into too much trouble.

Poopsie said...

Happy happy birthday!
I love you, Jenn!
AC :)

Jenn said...

HEY THANKS EVERYONE!! I would have loved to hear you sing!! Thanks for the card too- christie and Casey!! It was awesome. I won't get into trouble Nathan, I'm a good girl, and even though I am 18, I still feel that I need to ask permission to spend the night at mikes!! haha. Thanks everyone, I love you guys!

Poopsie said...

What I want to know is ....
did you buy porn?
Nate could probably give some for free. :)

Nathan said...

just so you know i dont have all got stolen and i dont like the japanese stuff.

Poopsie said...

Okay, okay, I will not discuss the stuff you have hidden in the basement. :)