Thursday, October 18, 2007

I GOT A JOB!!! lazy bum days are over...officially! I got a job at NEWBURY COMICS!!! yeah yeah! I found out last night, Josh (a friend of mine...that works there) called me and said "want the good news or bad news first?" So I said bad news, and he said there is no bad news, the good news is you have the job! I'm like HELL YEAH JOSH! lol. He's putting me on the schedule starting next week, I told him I will be at Aunt Cindys all weekend so I'll have to start after that. He also told me that because he gave me the job, I have to "hook him up with like....ten of my friends" haha. Will do Josh! So yeah...thought I'd share the amazing news and let everyone know. Love ya!


Christie said...

Congrats Jenn!

Kathy said...

Enjoy the new job, Jenn! Don't spend all your money in the store!

Jenn said...

yeah that's going to be the hard part...Mike told Josh he might as well pay me in gift certificates!

Poopsie said...

Hey, at the halloween store they pay in a debit card. Not that DJ got the job, but they told him that anyway. Go figure!
Oh, and looking forwrd to seeing you on Saturday! Congrats!