Sunday, October 28, 2007

Nothing is FInal, but...

Hey, I just need to tell you all that you need to give every effort, and not give up too soon.
Tuesday night, I was ready to throw in the towel, and not hand in anything for my Science Project. It was supposed to be 1200+ words, and when I talked to Kathy (at I don't know around 8 o'clock), I had about 2 sentences written. I just could get my head on straight. But, I sent in the couple of finished pages, as I posted about at that time. I checked my grades, and my professor gave me a 110/ 151, which is a "C". I was ready to quit, but didn't give up, or settle for the lowest grade. I told him that I had a family issue, and would gladly take any grade, including the zero I was expecting. He actually said he wished I had finished the paper, he thought it was pretty good. :)
I think he gave me the score because he knew that usually I try my hardest, and give my all. It makes it worthwhile in the long run, that is for sure.
Just remember that you only fail when you fail to try. :)

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Cindy, that's terrific. I'm glad you gave it an effort and you were rewarded!

Enjoy your break!