Friday, November 2, 2007

real Estate isn't ALL that bad

Well, because if your like, a WICKED good real estate agent (like mom) then you must have a WICKED good assistant (like muah) so anyways.... I went today with mom to do some real estate know handing out fliers and what we go to burnt hill to the cabin and then mom has to go to a properety she's selling by grafton. So we start heading down this wicked muddy, we HAD to do some mudding!! It was a blast.

Poor Mom got whip lash when she was driving through the mud, so on our way back, I decided I HAD to drive, and we flew through the mud again!! It was a good time. When I used to go mudding with the guys, you had to act all cool and not laugh, but I seriously almost peed going with mom. It's so funny how when she laughs really hard, she "weezes" like aunt kathy! It was awesome....

"There's nothing like going mudding with your 44 year old mother!"

1 comment:

Christie said...

I'm jealous that you all got to do some mudding during your real estate adventures! I wish I could have done some mudding during mine! At least our offer on this one AMAZING place was accepted! I'll post more details later this week when we confirm some more stuff, but please everyone think happy thoughts for us and for everything to go through so we get this place we are trying for!