Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving Day Preparations

I thought I would post a few pictures of Thanksgiving Day preparations. I couldn't resist a picture of Nana going at the turkey cleaning it inside and out. Jenn is preparing a new sweet potatoe recipe and Sam is making her famous salsa dip. And of course there was Jenns centerpiece she created for me out of my Oprah magazine. I thought we had a really good day and enjoyed the santa hat that Kathy brought. :) Oh, and I can't forget Sam and Nana licking the beaters for the chocolate cream pie I made!


Kathy said...

You made chocolate cream pie? I know Karen is now wondering where it was.......she had to pick nuts out of the stuff I brought. She was quite sad at dessert time. LOL!

Thanksgiving was terrific. I even enjoyed our walk uphill!

Jenn said...

cute pictures! The best one is that amazing center piece. I might make those for a living! lol. Just kidding. Thanks for the post!

DJ said...

that sounds like tons of fun!