Sunday, November 4, 2007

to help clearify my last post.

yes lexi and i did break up today. she said she could'nt trust me any more because i had to think about htings since all we do is argue about things and she said she wasn't sure she could trust around one of my best friend just because she has feelings for me and i have some (not strong at all) feelings for her. so i was thinking about it all weekend, causing me to be not myself and anytime we spoke to each other, it ended in her saying either for me to just break up with her asking if i would rather be with my friend. she came over this morning and we talk some more and after she left i had decided i was done thinking and that i would try to talk to her about our arguements if she would come and talk to me before she left. i got a call at about 11:30. it was her saying that she could'nt trust me anymore and that she was breaking up with me so that i could figure things out and if i wanted to be back with her sometime to call her and she would consider it. Although this was said, she also said that she wasn't sure if she would come back to me if i did. this was really hurtful and so it changed my feelings very quickly so atleast for now, i don't plan on calling her about it. things may end up with us back together but not for a while. i don't think that i can forgive this now. and my trust was lost when it happened due to her not really trying to figure things out when i really needed her to help me.

1 comment:

Christie said...

Hey D, I'm really sorry to hear about this. It is really hard when the other person isn't willing to talk things over and make things right, but sometimes things just aren't meant to work out- unfortunately, that's how life's lessons sometimes work out. I hope you don't dwell on the heartache too long- you are young and awesome, so you should be enjoying life! If you end up back together, great, but if not, be happy with how much you've grown up since being with her. You're great and we all love you! Hope you feel better soon! :)

Love, Christie