Monday, November 12, 2007

Unity, Maine

was GREAT! i got home about an hour ago from a weekend in Maine. i left friday afternoon with my friend Will. we went Saturday Morning to visit Unity College's Open House and it was really great. all of the professors and students were very laid back and informative. there is not much actual book work according to many of the students and professors. it is mostly all hands-on. the courses all can complement each other so it would be very easy to double major if you wanted to. I am looking more into Wildlife care and rehabilitation, Conservation law, or fisheries and aquaculture. i have to write an essay about an environmental issue and how it affects me so i'm thinking i will write about the over-population of deer.


Jenn said...

Sounds cool dj!!! God if i remembered you were going to college the same time as me, we could have gone together! ha, wouldnt that be sweet? Spending your days with wonderful MEE!!! yeah...I

Christie said...

Those majors sound really cool D! And if you need a place to study about the overpopulation of deer and it's relation to/effect on city/urban life, come on down here! Deer being hit by cars is a big issue around here, and sometimes they are found wandering around neighborhoods. Either way, good luck with your essay and with school- it sounds really awesome!