Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The weekend in Virginia

I had a great time last weekend in Virginia. Friday night began with a long bus ride from the airport to Christie and Casey's followed by watching UVM play George Mason at the Patriot Center. I didn't know which team to cheer for....Mason won.....Saturday morning I went with the new homeowners to see the model of the place they purchased and then to the design center to make some decisions on countertop and such. The condo is in a place called Mercer Park--which is part of a much larger planned community. The place was very nice! There's even a room for ME!
Saturday afternoon Christie and I went to Fredericksburg to spend some time with Karen and to see the play where her make-up designs were used. We spent some time shopping in "old town" where the entire place was fully decorated for Christmas and they were having an open house in all of the shops.
It's hard to tell but Karen has on the silliest looking little hat. Unless you count this one:

Isn't it funny that Christie is wearing this delightful headgear while shopping in the peas section??

The play was very funny and I really enjoyed it. Today Karen told me that she had to be a statue, complete with white makeup and toga to promote this week's performances of the play. I'd like to have seen that!


DJ said...

sounds great!
i'm glad you had fun!

Poopsie said...

I think we have a new shopping place! :)

I wonder, Karen, were the still statue, or were you a "living" statue. We saw one of those in San Diego, and it was pretty neat. She did a routine with a water fountians from her hands, etc... to classical music.
Any way, it sounds like a good time,Kathy, and I know you enjoyed it.