Wednesday, November 28, 2007

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Revised

ok what i meant to say is i need to know who is going to be able to head south and who isn't. this is gonna determine if i need to make arrangements to travel north for a couple days. let me know please.


Jenn said...

Ok, I'm confused. Do you want us NOrtherners to travel south where your mother lives? or what? I'm lost. I JUST WANT TO SEE YOU!!!

Nathan said...

i was asking if you guys were gonna be able to or if you would rather i come up there to makes things easier on you guys

Jenn said...

pppssshhh your an army can handle traveling north! lol. It's really not up to me I guess, unless I decide to take The Captain down there to see you

Nathan said...

ummmm.......i take that as an insult, for i am no army man. they have no common sense and just lug things around for no reason. i am a sailor. i cuss, smoke, drink and do non mentionables. i know how to have fun.... but it is ok, for i forgive you.

Jenn said...

Oh, EXCUSE ME! Sailor shouldn't be apart of the job description...but hey, it's your life, gotta have fun some how! Although, there is such a thing as SOBER FUN! lol. Just giving you some crap. I'm family, it's my job!

DJ said...

yeah nate! you shouldn't drink! be a straight edge kid like the rest of us. even though your'e not a kid... o well

Nathan said...

i only get to drinking once every two weeks or in a foreign liberty port

DJ said...

so... it's still drinking.....

Nathan said...

you know what, because of you two, i am not coming home now. you made me feel really sad. i am going into the corner to cry now. i hope you are happy. i dont like it when people make fun of me.

Poopsie said...

That had better be a joke, Nathan James Olsen Phillips!

I have to input here...
Your drinking is a concern, but you are an adult. We love you no matter what. Just like you may wish I would eat food that makes me unhealthy (I realize you probably don't care.) I would rather you made better choices. We all ave habits we would rather get past, and that includes Jenn and DJ. :)
I love you all!

DJ said...

yeah cry in yo corner!!!