Thursday, December 20, 2007

2 weeks

alright boils and ghouls, i figure that i should say to have a merry christmas. if i do not call you, it is not intentional, i just wont have time. i also wanna say i got two weeks until i come home.....

now for some more serious things. yesterday i went to see my command career counsler because i am up for orders. when he showed me what i have available, i figured i would turn to you guys and tell you. there were, orders for me to stay in japan for another 2-3 years, i could go to guam and be deployed to iraq, i could also go to san diego and be deployed to iraq, or i could go to norfolk(and be deployed to iraq). now comes the dilema, what do i do. i seethose and i could be either away from family for a long time, go to iraq and possibly be killed due to me most likly being in a convoy as a .50 cal gunner(we all have heard the stories about convoys, or i could wait and see what orders are availible for me next month, which could very well be the same as this months. just figured i would let you all know.


Poopsie said...

So, let me ask you this....

Does this mean you have made a decsion to stay in for another 4 years? Or, are tehy telling you that if you choose to "get out" they are calling you back as a reserve?

This is not an easy thing, no matter how you look at it. You have been unhappy in Japan. You have talked in the past about wanting to go to Iraq. Is that something you are truly intersted in? (Minus of course the whole convoy thing...)

All we can do is pray that whatever route is taken that you are safe, whether you are in Japan slugging seawater or in Iraq sucking sand.
I will not give my vote, as I find it would be unfair to you. Just know that no matter what you choose, I will stand behind you, support you, and pray my heart out.

I love you, Skates, no matter where you are. I still smile when I look at the moon, knowing it rested on you and rose here to look over us.

Nathan said...

i thought it over an i am going to try for the norfolk orders. i would be going IA, but i would go to afghanistan as a choice. better afghan than iraq or any other saudi country

Beth said...

i certainly don't envy the decision you have to make. This is very scary, to me, and I agree with your mom, we will support you and pray for you no matter what! We love you and hope that whatever happens that you will be safe!
Love, Aunt Beth

Anonymous said...

Well, Nate, I will be honest. i don't like any of the choices and i think it stinks that you have been so limited. However, the Southworth men have always borne arms in defense of their country and been proud to do it, as we have been proud of them. It is your heritage. I hope you know that whatever you choose that I like the others before me, on this page and in life, will be afraid for you, button- popping proud of you and praying without ceasing for you to be safe and for you to come home to us in one piece and safe.

I love you, Nate. I miss you very much and can't wait to see you in 2 short, will fly by, weeks!
