Saturday, December 8, 2007

big kitties

so last saturday while i was out tracking down my deer, i saw a cat track that was a little smaller than my palm. then last night i heard the sound of a familiar big cat from American west or wilderness movies. When i got home, i looked it up online to be sure and, well we've got a big cat behind our house...

for those who don't know what i'm talking about, it's a Mountain Lion. This isn't very surprising seeing how the DEP says we do have them in CT and there's been one spotted less than 5 miles from here if going in a straight line. so, i'm being more aware while in the woods now, and keeping my eyes and ears open for any tracks or sounds.


Beth said...

Holy crap, that's kinda scary! I hope you are VERY careful out there, but if by chance you get to see it and have a camera, a picture would be pretty cool too! :)

Jenn said...

Are you going to shoot it in its butthole?

DJ said...

no Jenn.. i'm not gonna shoot it in the butthole....