Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Big Play

Hey, we aren't are professional as Karen's circle of friends, but we have a lot of fun! This year the pageant was done in three acts.
The first act focused on Mary, the angel, and Joseph.
(Rosemary Harper as Mary, Liz Longacre as Gabriel)
The next act was a bunch of dancing shepherds, which led into Act three,
Herod and the Wise Men.
"Welcome to the magnificent Herod's Palace.
I am, of course, the magnificent King Herod!"
(one of my favorite lines)
(Here I am with Sam G. A great fellow from my Sunday School class that played my assistant.)
Enter the Wise men, or I should say "people".
There were 3 girls, and 1 boy as those that followed the star. It was Ruth's job to keep pointing them in that direction, even though the others wanted to stop and ask for directions. They get lost in the Grand Hall, as I approach.
Then,Ruth did a hilarious mirror scene with me, which included her and I doing things on totally opposite sides. :) As I was hula dancing to the left, she went to my right. It was a hoot!
(Danielle as Wise man 1, Sarah H as Wise man 2, and Ruth as Wise man 3)
It was a lot of fun, and the kids and adults seemed to have a great time.


Beth said...

Oh, the days of the the Christmas plays! They always brought tears to my eyes! Great post, thanks for sharing!

Kathy said...

Oh, magnificent King Herod! Hee!Hee! Sure would have loved to see that! Thanks for the photos and the story. The mirror scene must have been fun for both you and Ruth E. Memories in the making!