Friday, December 14, 2007


so last friday was my christmas party. i had jenn as my date. it was at the fireside inn from 6-11. it was alot of fun. dinner was at 7 and we had prime beef. it was really good then dancing started at 8. i didnt really want to dance but jenn and chris (a girl i work with) pulled me onto the dance floor. we did the chicken dance it was only me jenn chris and monica(another girl i work with) then we just keeped on dancing for 2 hours strait and it was a blast!!! im glad jenn was my date i dont think i would of had as much fun without her!


DJ said...

well that sounds fun. i'm glad you had a good time!

Jenn said...

I was cramped up the whole time. I haven't had excersize like that since....ever.