Sunday, December 9, 2007

The First Snow

We had our first bit of accumulated snow on Friday. It wasn't much, but it was enough to get Ruth excited. She had to "drag" the cat out to play. All she needed was Sammy, who loved the snow, and would make a good alarm if DJ's cat came around.

I took this photo of a bird's nest that is on my porch. I love to look at it, and the snow was so pretty resting on it.


Christie said...

Wait, we had our first accumulated snow before you did?!? Wow! :) It's already melted down here though, so maybe it doesn't count. Haha!

Beth said...

It's snowing here this morning, nothing like a little white stuff to get you in the mood!

Jenn said...

What kind of white stuff mom!? ahahhaah...sorry....Cute blog aunt cindy!

Beth said...