Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Karen's lucky day

As you all probably know, Karen had surgery yesterday to "reduce her assets". She is doing fine! Today I took this photo and had to share it! If I haven't called or e-mailed you, it hasn't been intentional. Just busy!

Since this is a family blog and well, we are in "mixed company", I'll just say that what has always been a dream for Karen, is now a dream come true.


Christie said...
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Christie said...

Woo hoo baby, buy the sexiest one you can find! I can't wait to be home and see my sister! And everyone else, of course, but especially her! :)

And also, that's a nice looking robe...

Poopsie said...

I'm with Christie!
On more than one point!
Actually, all points:
buy the sexiest one,
I miss my family, sisters especially,
and I love the comfy looking robe.

Not too inventive of me, is it? Sorry, still dripping from my post to Nate.

Poopsie said...

okay I read what I wrote, and I meant that I can't wait to see my family, I miss Nate the most. Sorry, girls. :P

Jenn said...

I'm just upset that you didn't give me what was "taken out" =(. It's ok though, I'll get silocone ones...