Tuesday, December 11, 2007

a little treat....

So, as you may or may not know, The Lakota among other tribes would eat the raw heart of any animal that they killed, in belief that they would then gain the strength of the animal. Knowing this, Brian and I decided to partake in this part of our heritage, and ate a small amount of raw heart.
Brian and I getting ready to eat the heart.

Brian didn't really enjoy it, this amused me.

Okay, so I didn't really enjoy it either.


Poopsie said...

I cannot believe you guys actually did that, and I am the one that took the photos.
CRAZY! Luckily it was a very tiny piece, or ealse I think Brian would have lost his stomach. GROSS!!

Beth said...

But I liked the pictures of you two having a good time and laughing! priceless!

Kathy said...

Uncle Mike always eats the heart--but he soaks it first, and then he makes me cook it. He says it's his favorite part---EWW!! Next time, I'm going to make him eat it raw.

Thanks for sharing the great brothers moment. It's priceless!

Jenn said...

I just vomited in my mouth a little bit.

DJ said...

Aunt Kathy, you should do it!

and Jenn, lol.