Tuesday, December 11, 2007

No Christmas Tree, No Christmas Tree........

But lots of other decorating! The men in our lives must loves these posts! Anyway.....Here are a couple of images from the work I have been doing. Beth scares me so I have decided to post for a blogger Holiday Open House tomorrow night with no apologies! I'll post here when I get all my photos up at Shocking Pink Thread. Visit me there and say nice things to me. LOL!

I also had company on Sunday and we wrote out a few Christmas cards, ate a bit of fruitcake and a WHOLE BATCH of Mammie's special Graham Cracker Cookies. Jenn! Sam! Next year, Cindy needs to host this get together. Just a thought......


Beth said...

I really admire all the creative things that you do and have done to the house! I tell everyone I know about it! So don't be scared, try to be flattered instead! You have alot of talent and my only point is to try and recognize it!

Christie said...

Um, somebody best be making more of Mammie's cookies because I'm going to want some when I come home. Please. Thanks. :)

Jenn said...

DEAR GOD! that picture of me is horrible!! ahha. I agree with mom, aunt kathy, stop being such a wimp! YOu're house is beautiful!! I loved all your decorations, and don't forget to take pictures of those little things your trying to "hatch" as mom would say!

Poopsie said...

I'm open to hostessing any event.
But, what event exactly is this I am being elected for?