Monday, December 10, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree....

Where the heck are you? Haha. So, Casey and I went and got our tree yesterday. It was quite the adventure... I think we went to four places, and then back to the second place. I don't know if anyone else was affected by this, but we had a bit of a sticker shock with the trees this year because down here there was a drought so the tree prices went up. But, Casey was the best and wouldn't give up on a real tree, so we went for a little drive, wandered through muck and mud... even a dirt road!... and finally chose the hanging trees- you'll see what I mean! :) I'll also use this post to share some decorations I've done, like Aunt Beth suggested.

Here is my nativity... not quite as full as Aunt Cindy's, but it will get there! (I also don't have all my pieces out, though it still isn't much once that happens, haha.)
Pretty dining room... with Lucy playing with the blinds.
Turtle tank decorating. :)
On our tree adventure, we actually found a dirt road... looks almost like a back road at home!
This one was at Ticonderoga Farms where you can pick from pre-cut Fraser Firs or you can cut your own of other kinds. We thought this one might be our tree, but we moved on. The big stick is for measuring tree size- they charge by the foot.
And here it is, the tree we came back to. You can't really tell, but this place had it's trees hanging from beams.
All ready to go on top of the Civ!
Finally, at the apartment and ready for decorating!
Casey will only hang the "us" ornaments, as in the ones that have our names on them. He hangs them next to each other. :)
I did the rest, haha.Voila!
And there were only three ornaments (that I've found so far) off the tree when I got up this morning. One remains off the tree because the hook is yet to be found. Ah, life with kitties.

I hope to see some other trees (and decorations) up on the blog, and I can't wait to see you all at Family Christmas! Love love!


Beth said...

Hi Christie, Aunt Beth here! I love that you shared your tree and decorations with us, it's nice to have a visual of your Christmas in Virginia!
We have not got our tree yet, or started to decorate, but it's coming! :)

Kathy said...

Hey Chris! Where'd you get that hat? It's adorable!

I loved seeing this post. It makes me feel closer to you there in Virginia. And it touches me to see the ornament Beepa made right in front.

No tree at our house yet. Dad says with the price of trees at Rockwood's he's going to just go in the woods and cut a hemlock for us to decorate! We'll see about that!

Maybe Karen will get him to go to find a tree early next week. Otherwise, where will Santa put my presents?

Anonymous said...

under the HEMLOCK, of course! i already made the arrangements

Poopsie said...

Kathy, that ornament of Beepa's was the one I noticed too.
The pictures are great, Christie. We don't have our tree yet, probably this Thursday or Friday. (Uncle) Darrell and Ruth E have made it a date for the past couple of years. I can only imagine it will be the same again.