Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ooo, drywall!

Casey and I went to see our condo this weekend and the drywall is up. It was neat to see our place with walls- now hopefully things will move more quickly, ya know, cabinets and countertops and such. Haha. Anyways, I though I'd share a few pictures- be imaginative, it looks very bare!
The outside.
Casey already arranging furniture. Haha.
The view from our balcony.
The master bathroom.
Big scary fire heater in the hall... it looks less menacing in pictures.


DJ said...

Looks good. I can't wait to see it finished!
maybe sometime i'll have to find someway to come see it in person...

Beth said...

How exciting Christie! thanks for giving us a visual, now we can see before and after!
Love, Aunt Beth