Monday, December 24, 2007

Our tree adventure!

the final product
Ruth decorating
kinda blurry but the tree lit up
a different angle
So we got our tree on friday. we set it up on friday. this took hours...
the trunk was too small for the stand so we had to make adaptations. We ended up with some wierd mixture of boards, newspaper, and fastfood cups. We thought we were done...
So Saturday morning we decorated the tree. As Mom was putting the final touches on it, the tree tipped and almost came out of the stand!
So..... she had to go pick up Nana for her birthday lunch and left Dad, Brian and I to deal with the tree (nice right). Anyhoo, we fill the stand with sand which meant going outside, digging throught the snow and the frozen ground until we found usable sand. The tree still isn't perfect but it's either we leave it or we all give up on it.
so This year we have a tilting tree but that's okay because Christmas isn't about having a perfect tree is it?

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