Saturday, December 1, 2007

so... i got one!!!

Sammy was smelling it, but he took a break.
he didn't know what to think of it.
me and my doe
dad and i dragging the doe
Ruth wanted to help drag her
in the back of the truck
and me cutting her ribcage so i can take out the heart.

this morning about 9:30 i was using a deer call (never worked before). i then decided that i would move on, when i saw her. i turned and shotat heras she was turning to run away, getting her through the back leg, and the neck. it took me about a half hour - 45 minutes to find her, 20 feet from where she was when i shot. it took quite awhile to get her out of the woods, seeing how it was on the far corner of the property, and then ran on to another preperty, doing almost a quarter mile loop.



Christie said...

Mmm, I like venison, DJ, keep that in mind on Family Christmas. haha. Congrats!

Nathan said...

you know that you will have to take me out there with you when i come home. it would be fun. you know, some brother to brother time......

Poopsie said...

I see how it is...
the dog made your post, but I did not.
But, really, I am so proud of your persistance, DJ! You went out again and again without giving up. You brought home food to help feed your family. This will certainly help us this winter. :)

Jenn said...

Ok, I must be the only one that is a bit disturbed by this....dead...deer....poor girl. She probably had a family! But, thats alright, I guess, because it will give food for your family! Good job DJ, maybe I can go hunting sometime...or know...just throwing it out

DJ said...

i don't think she had any family she that really needed her at all. with deer, once your gone your gone. but she was definatly trying to start a family... i'm not gonna go into details but let's just say i thought i shot her in the rear but i didn't hit exactly where i thought i did... yeah....

Jenn said...

What does that mean!? I'm usually pretty good at those raunchy jokes. But I'm confused on where you shot her

DJ said...

i shot her through both legs and the neck. i thought i shot her through one leg, and about an inch under her butthole... i was wrong.

let's just say she was having some messy fun.

Kathy said...

Egads! This is FAMILY blog, for goodness sake! LOL!!!

Great job DJ! Food in the freezer and a story to tell.

DJ said...

Well i tried to keep it clean Aunt Kathy. But Jenn wasn't getting it so... i had to be more specific in the area of details....

Jenn said...

lol...that poor butthole!! Reading that kind of made mine hurt...Oh, sorry, I forgot, this is FAMILY blog...haha. Sorry Aunt Kathy, i was trying to keep up with what DJ was trying to say...hahaha