Wednesday, December 12, 2007

the story behind "And then there were two"

When i shot my doe, I kept her bladder and what was left in it. you know cause why spend 12$ to get doe in heat urine when I can get it for free? Anyhoo, i put it in a little baggie then and yesterday when i went out, i put it on the ground and covered it with leaves. i walked my normal loop which takes about a half hour(it's now 4-ish) and decided to stand in my tree stand. i blew my call a few times, and waited. just as i was getting to the point where i was ready to call it a night, do one last little loop, and head in, I heard something moving in the area that i had put the bag. so, i waited and listened. a couple minutes later, I heard more movement, now much closer. i turned to look on the other side of the tree, and there he was, walking down one of the many deer trails. I waited for him to get into a more open area, and shot. He dropped right where he was and was unfortunatly, not quite dead. i walked up on him and saw this (not a very pleasant feeling, in fact, rather upsetting) and snapped his neck, killing him instantly (I'm telling you this for Jenn so she knows that i DO have a soul). i came home, made a couple of calls and then after finding that noody was available to help, went out and got him myself. After some pictures(below), i hung and gutted him. Now I have to go skin and butcher him so that the meat doesn't go bad.
Take Care and Talk to you soon!


Jenn said...

again...I just puked in my mouth a little bit...

how could you break the poor dear's neck? (get it? DEAR, not DEER!? hahah)

DJ said...
