Thursday, January 17, 2008


Finally justin and i have come to an agreement on who is going to be our babys godparents. now honestly it was easy for the godmother who is going to be jenn. we think that she will take it seriously and i have always wanted her to be it so there was no hard decisions for either of us because i was already settled and justin agreed. as for the godfather man was that hard to choose the only reason was because justin wanted to pick but i knew that if it was either of the two he chose it wouldnt of been taken seriously they would just think it was a name and thats it. well then i threw a couple of people out to him and he choose one of them so our babys godfather is going to be kyle. i am very excited and when i asked him and jenn they both were very excited kyle even called people on his fathers side to tell them. i think that justin and i have made really good decisions and now i have to do more baby planning. oh geez so much to think about. so much planning but i say just take it one step at a time. love all of you and miss everyone!!!!!!!!!!


DJ said...

Well it would seem as though you have made good choices with this. at least up to this point.
hope all goes well!

Love You!

hey... what are you thinking of for a name?

Christie said...

Great choices Sam. They will both take that honor very seriously.

Jenn said...

yeah, I'm pretty excited. I wish I knew I was the godmother before I read this blog....HAHA Just kidding I knew. I'm going to be a fantastic godmom, I know it!