Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happy Birthday, DJ!

Remember when he was small?
Now he's not, he's 18 after all!

I just want to say that I love you and Happy 18th!
Love, Mumsie


Kathy said...

Happy Birthday DJ! You were so darned cute when you were little, what happened??

The world awaits. I hope you have a great day! Love, Aunt Kathy

Beth said...

Love, Aunt Beth

Christie said...

Hahahahahahahahahahaha! I mean that in the nicest way- this is such a cute picture! I think I have it scrapbooked somewhere even.

Anyways, it's scary that you are 18- that makes me old seeing as you are one of the first little stinkers I babysat... and changed the diapers of. Aren't you glad to hear that? haha.


Love, Christie

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Dee!
Golly, i am so old that I remember your mom getting preggie with you!! Hmmmmmm, i wonder if that's why i'm called a Grandmother????

Live long and prosper!!
I love you, Grama

sam said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DJ!!! O to be 18 again lol

DJ said...

to all of you!

Love you all. can't wait to see you guys again!

Nathan said...

i still think i was a better looking kid when i was younger. oh well Happy b-Day DJ!!!!!!

Jenn said...

Hey! Happy birthday! we can go to the "special clubs" together...haha. Totally kidding. That's not really a cousin thing to, it would do damage to our delicate eyes. I hope your birthday was swell, sorry this post was late!