Sunday, January 6, 2008


well it hasnt arrived yet but IM PREGNANT!!! im very excited and i know that it is going to be alot of work and it is going to change my life tramendusly but i am ready as i can be for it. i am very excited (even though im going to about burst for christies wedding sorry) but other than that i really think that i can do it i mean i have alot of support and everything and justin is excited to and i think that this is going to be a huge step in our relationship but i know we can do it. i have a good feeling that he wont be one of those dead beat dads (like his brother) i think that he will help me as much as possible. i know alot of you are wondering if we are going to get married and we are not really ready for that step and we are not going to get married just because of our baby but if the time comes then we will talk about it but as of now we are not going to! so that is the scoop on that and i know it isnt really a surprise about it but i thought i would just share it. oh yea i have my first baby apointment on thursday so i will let everyone know how that goes and right now the aproximate due date is august 24th. so i will keep everyone posted on that! oh and i am not smoking anymore i am on the patch witch is alot safer for the baby and i will be off the patch within about a month! love everyone and thanks for everything!!!


Jenn said...

woah....You're pregnant?

HA Just kidding. I'm about as happy as a pig in Sh*t. I can't wait to cooooo at it!

Kathy said...

Healthy takes on a whole new meaning! I'm glad you have quit smoking. No one wants to see a baby on cigarettes!

Keep making good choices for the two of you. I'm glad Justin is being supportive but I'm happy too you are holding off on any "big" decisions!

And, Christie is looking at maternity dresses for you so no worries on that front!

We love babies! And, we love you!

Nathan said...

MOMMY!!!!!!!!!! I would just like to say Congrats on the whole pregnant thingy.......

DJ said...


but don't let Jenn cooooo at it...

I'm not sure why.. but just don't do it...

Poopsie said...

You know how I feel. :)
I am here if you need me.
Aunt Cindy