Tuesday, February 12, 2008

By special request...

Well Aunt Beth said we haven't posted in awhile so i figured I'd do so...
I don't have much to say. I applied to Unity, and am waiting for the rest of my recomendations to be finished so that i may send them in and get a response. keep your fingers crossed...
I went to the doctor's yesterday because my shoulder has been in alot of pain for the past few weeks. They say i have i think it was Bursitis. rare for someone my age. It's caused by improper heavy lifting above the head. it kinda makes sense. between toolbox's and vices in shop and log and railroad ties while fishing with Will, i've done alot of heavy lifting in the past couple of months...

well i don't really know what to say. still no job... i'm really not liking it....

Erin's good. 3 months on Friday. fun stuff....

well I hope to see you all soon.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Thanks DJ, it's good to hear from you!:)