Monday, February 25, 2008

Far Away

What a great weekend! A road trip to Virginia with Beth, Sam and Jenn to see Christie and Karen. We had quite an adventure on Friday with the winter storm that hit New York and Pennsylvania but no worries! We had no trouble getting where we wanted to go. We just had to take it a bit slower than usual!

Friday night we had a chance to see Christie's actual wedding dress. It's going to be beautiful!! Sorry--no photos allowed!

Then, off to David's Bridal where Sam and Jenn tried on bridesmaids dresses. Photos are allowed of the experience--Jenn will post them later.

Finally, we went down to Fredericksburg to UMW to see Karen in her play. The play, "Far Away" was really deep and REALLY strange. Karen's made a terrific prisoner in her first and only college main stage performance. I am endlessly fascinated with her "theater world". Her next role is Sebastian in "The Tempest" for the black box theater (the smaller stage at school) What a treat to see her in action. She also made a mean Eclair Cake for post-theater dessert. Yummy!

The only downside was to come home and find out that spring hasn't "sprung" yet. Hey, a girl can dream!


DJ said...

that's cool. it sounds like you guys had alot of fun!

Poopsie said...

I can't wait to see the dress. I wish I could have watched Karen perform, too.
Jenn, hurry up and post some pictures, girl! I want to share in the fun!
Oh, and Kathy, I thought spring had sprung here, but not anymore. We are looking at snow again for the first itme in awhile. Hope is nice, maybe for the wedding it will be sunny and warm. Oh, I mean Christie's, not Brad's. :)