Thursday, February 14, 2008

I'm a Star!

Well, not exactly, but tonight I appeared in my first (and only) main-stage production at Mary Washington. It is called Far Away and is by Caryl Churchill. It's really weird and I don't really get it, but it's exciting to finally be on the main-stage. Some of you will be seeing me next week and I'm psyched. And it's really short, which is a plus. I get to wear two really cool hats, and move furniture on and off stage. It's been a fun process and I'm glad I got a chance to do it. Next I am going to audition for The Tempest, which of course is a Shakespeare play, and is happening in our smaller studio which is completely run by students. I'll probably get cast because the director asked me to audition, which usually means she has a certain part for me. But we'll see. It will be a big time commitment, which worries me but I want to do one last thing before I graduate, so I'll have to deal with the stress and everything that comes with it.
Well, I love you all and I can't wait to see those of you who are coming down next weekend. I'm especially interested to see your new tat, jenn!


Christie said...

CONGRATS SISTER! I can't wait to see you next weekend!

Kathy said...

We can't wait to see the weird play, the hats, and you! Can we cheer?? (just kidding)

Break a leg on the Shakespeare thing. No regrets, Karen. You'll find a way to do it all. Just remember circus time!

Jenn said...

I'm sooo excited! I love crazy hats. They are nice. See you, A WEEK FROM TODAY!

Poopsie said...

It sounds like a lot of fun. I wish I were coming along...