Thursday, February 21, 2008


Anyways. I figured I'd let you know about our eclipse adventure. I was really the only one watching it after 9 cause Ruth went to bed. This was until 9:45 ish when Brian joined me outside to watch. then about 10:00 Mom joined us to watch the final moments of the eclipse.
I kinda messed up uploading the pics but if you look at them and read, you'll get it.
this was about 9:45. almost there.
This is The Eclipse. 10:00 exactly.
the camera isn't great but it wasn't really quite like this.
you could still tell where the moon was.
anyways. it's in the middle.
This was the first picture I took of it. about 7:30.
This was a few minutes later.
about 8:30 ish... not the best but you can kinda see where it was starting in the lower left..
9:00 This is a better pic of it.
This was 9:45. about 3/4 of the way there.

1 comment:

Christie said...

Thanks D! I didn't get to see it- we were at a late basketball game, and the weather was crummy anyways- so thanks for sharing your pics!