Friday, April 25, 2008



Casey and I closed on our condo yesterday and I'm so excited! I mean, it's a huge money commitment, but it's SO worth it. We went and got our keys last night after settlement and immediately (well, after I did a little dance in the living room, haha) started taping so we can paint this weekend. We don't actually get to move all of our big stuff until Monday, but that's okay because it gives us time to paint and let it dry before we start moving stuff in.

I can't wait for everyone who is able to come down and visit us. We are going to have a second bedroom now and we'll also have a sleeper sofa, so there is plenty of room.

I hope everyone is doing wonderfully! I'll post with pictures later... especially after the painting begins! :)

Love love,


Kathy said...

What a huge milestone! You KNOW the bed belongs to me. LOL! I can't wait to come and see your new home. I'm proud of you and Casey. Love, MUM

Anonymous said...

May your new home be filled with sushine and laughter, comfort you in times of pain and hug with the arms of loving and being loved. May God's peace be everpresent. AMEN
I am So very, very happy for you and Casey, and very proud of both of you as well.
Love & prayers,

Poopsie said...

I am so happy for you! I am also sory I didn't post before, I am feeling a bit swamped with 3 classes this term.
In any case, I hope your home is filled with laughter, love, and life!
Aunt Cindy :)