Thursday, April 17, 2008


So on the 15th i found out that i am having a little boy. At first i was alittle shocked because everyone filled my head with its a girl but after seeing him for a minute i was really happy. Nate was so happy he said he almost fell to the ground lol. We really are very happy i just want to hold it but the doctor said the baby is like gumby right now so that kinda made me want to keep it in there till he is ready to come out. if i knew how to post a picture i would i have one where he is sucking his thumb and he is the cutest thing ever!! also to add to nates and my plans we also found a trailer well its like a double wide and its 2 bedrooms and very spacious so we just needed a co signer and we have one so it is looking very good!! hopefully we will be in by the 1st of next month!! well thats all for now when i find out more i will let everyone know!! love you all!!!!


DJ said...

I'm not really sure what to say. That's great! a boy, a place to live. you're doing great.

Poopsie said...

Sam, You know how happy I am for you. If you need anything, let me know. I will do everything I can. :)

Christie said...

YAY! I can't wait to see you and him and everything! Congrats on both things! You are doing so awesome!

Kathy said...

I can't wait to buy little boy things! In the meantime, be sure to tell us what you need for your new place. I want to help. Love, Aunt Kathy