Saturday, April 19, 2008


So, hello alll.... I haven't been posting in a while, but i've been checking up on everyone on mikes stupid blackberry. Nothing really is new with got Leonard neutered.

That's him the day after at our house because he had to stay seperated from Otis for the first day....He was up in that little nook when I went to school and when I came home he was still there....He's so silly. I love him. And today I brought Otis to the rabies clinic with mom. the line was HUGE. Filled with lots of dogs and drool and pee and kind of reminded me of a methadone clinic. Whatever. lol. Then I brought Britney up there to get her rabies and distemper shots also...she had a blast!

So yeah...other than that...I've been working alot and going to lots of River City Rebels concerts...Danny is actually in middle of trying to get a kidney stone removed...its the size of a golf ball and they tried taking it out yesterday but he was bleeding so much so they couldnt. It's gross...he has like a blood bag and everything that is leeking bloody nastyness through a tube in his back. Ew.

OH! I will hopefully (!) start doing volunteer work at HeadRest my attempts at becomming a substance abuse counsiler. I can go to a school next summer in New Jersey for five days that focuses on working with inmates with substance abuse problems. And if I get my bachelors in phychology then I can go to a school in chicago that is just for dealing with inmates that are addicted to drugs and alcohol. but Lets not get a head of ourselves I'm nervous about being a "grown-up" Thats all- hope everyone is doing superb!

1 comment:

Poopsie said...

Hey, Jenn, It is good to "see" you. :)

I hope Leonard is feeling better. When will it be Otis's turn? :)

I am sorry to hear about Danny. I also hope he is better soon.

I hope you get to fulfill your dreams of helping others. You have so much to offer to others. I didn't realize it would be so much work, and so far away for school. I will be praying for you.
Love you,
Aunt Cindy :)