Saturday, April 5, 2008

Nothing to exciting!

Well, although I don't feel like I have been doing much, I have been busy so I must be doing something! At work at 7 leave around 4:50 go to Canaan until 5-5:30 (a couple days this week until 7) then home to whip up a healthy meal, excercise and fit a very little bit of cleaning in. In addition to that we are still doing fundraisers for project grad (spagetti dinner tonight so I am whipping up some Gramma Sweetens sauce) and also busy with Lioness fundraisers. At least in March. The board from the Lioness called me the other night and asked me take a position for next year, which I did. Jim thought that was pretty funny, just what I need....another thing to do! But they don't meet during the summer so it shouldn't be too bad. what with "empty nest" potentially coming to the Rice family I better find something to do!
I hope everyone is well and happy. I am off to see Mammie and her broken nose, I guess it isn't pretty. :( poor thing!

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