Thursday, April 3, 2008

to whom it may concern, mostly Mom

I finished my finals! Yippee!
I just submitted my paper on Samuel Huntington, and though it was a long process, I feel like it was worth while. I hope to do something a bit crazy as a result.
I have it in my mind to combine my love of history into a letterbox planting. If you wonder what that is all about, well, ask me and I will tell you. If you want to know more, maybe if you come to Connecticut, this Nut can show you a treasure hunt of a new kind. :)
Sam, no Harry Potter in this search. You will be safe with me. I promise.
Also, for those that do not know it, I have count them 12 weeks until my college career is over! YAH!


Anonymous said...

GOOD!!! Now relax a little and enjoy yourself for a minute or two!!

I am VERY proud of you and the fact that you finished your work, no matter the temptations not to.

Love, Mom

Beth said...
