Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So, what the heck is with no one posting on here in forever?? I check it ever day hoping I'll be able to read something interesting about someone's life, but I get nothing. Unfortunately, there is so little in my life that is interesting enough to put on here, but I'm going to try and the ball rolling and hope you all follow suit. So, well, um, I just finished my senior project, which involved building three set pieces for the next mainstage show we're doing--She Stoops to Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith. I did a pub sign, which turned out really well, a big picture frame for a portrait another girl painted and a dressing screen. They all look pretty good so that's nice. Um, a few weeks ago we had a Centennial Ball on campus as part of the campus' 100 year anniversary celebration. I went with a bunch of friends and had a blast. Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy:
my friend kyle and i danced all night to a great swing band they had

me and some buds lookin' schmancy: mary, me, stone, tali and kyle

So anyway, it was a lot of fun. There was an open bar and lots of food and a really good live band and I didn't have to sneak in with a fake ticket like I thought I was going to.

In addition, since I need to put off writing a paper for a little longer, I went to New York a couple weeks ago for a class, which was amazing. We were there for nine days and saw 14 shows and it was incredible. I met some famous people, like David Hyde Pierce (you know, like from Frasier). My friend Lucia and I saw him in the show Curtains, which was really good and met him afterward and got his autograph. Proof:

Well, I don't know what else to say so that's it for now. But hopefully everyone will get their acts together and start posting more often. Even if it's not that interesting, I need something to look at while I'm cruising the internet. K, great. LOVE TO ALL!


Christie said...

You are my sister. Why? Because you read my mind. I was going to post today and see what the heck was going on with everyone and you did it first. We are just so connected. Haha. I'll post my own post later- although there is not much going on with me either! Thanks for sharing the photos! LOVE LOVE! :)

Poopsie said...

How totally awesome!

By the way, I am here. Tied up with finals. Figuring out all theins and outs of parenting. Working hard. Blogging esle where. (OOps, did I say that?)

I love to here about everyone, and like you, have longed for a new post to read. It's an addiction. YIKES!

I have a another post to do, after my paper is actually handed in.
Love you, Aunt Poopsie :)