Saturday, May 3, 2008


So, as I'm sure you all know by now that Mike and I are not together anymore. I have made a decision, that I think, was the best one. I wasn't happy anymore and his behavior was making me go crazy! So now I am a free girl, and I now have leonard living with us at the house (I'm sure mom has expressed how excited she is about it). He is doing ok I guess, without Otis. He hasn't eaten or peed or pooped since thursday but I just got off the phone with my Vet and they said it was stress and he'll go but if he hasn't gone by monday, I need to bring him in, because male cats do tend to get backed up.

So other than that, everything is just swell...kind of. I'm terribly sick and spend three hours in the ER yesterday with mom, trying to figure out why I keep losing weight, and why my side hurt. I thought i had appendicitis (spelling) but after blood work, two ultrasounds, a pelvic exam and some questions, it turned out that it wasn't my appendix or my ovaries. They think my lympnods are swelling because I'm really sick. or whatever. I don't know. But I just thought I'd keep everyone updated on what was going on- this was just a brief explanation, but I want everyone to know that I'm ok for the most part-still weepy and crying randomly, but I feel really good about my decision.

and with all that said- how do I change my password on here!?


DJ said...

yeah I heard about that. I meant to call you to see how you wre doing cause I now have everyone's numbers but I didn't.
I'm glad to hear you're feeling good about it.
hope you feel better soon!

Christie said...

Hey love! I hope you feel better soon- physically and regarding the separation. Once the hurting part is over, freedom and independence will be good for you! :)

You can change your password by signing in and then going to where it says "My Account"- you should be able to change it there.

Love love, Christie

Poopsie said...

Hey, Jenn, You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated on your life.
Love you, Aunt Cindy