Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Girls

Deb and Courtney (otherwise known as Debsie and Spike) came for a visit for Grandpa's birthday a couple of weeks ago. I am always glad to see them. I love to have them visit.
Making there time visiting Grandma a fun time is my goal.
I love the sound of them, when there is no tattling. :)
Luckily, it was sunny and warm, so they had a chance to play outside.

I don't know exactly who thought of burying Ruth, but they had a great time. :)


Nathan said...

just outta curiousity, isnt that where our former cats have gone potty????

Poopsie said...

I don't know about that. I know that they have found many army guys, and plastic creatures.
AH, days gone by...