Thursday, May 15, 2008


so I'm not sure how many of you know, it could be all of you, but I used to use certain types of drugs. I'm not getting into it, it's a part of my past that I'm not proud of and would like to leave behind me. Anyways, today is ONE YEAR drug free date. but that's all.

It's also been 6 months for myself and Erin tonight at 6:30 ( yeah i'm that good to remember the time too)


Poopsie said...

Hey, I was gonna post a long entry about how proud I am of you.
I know it is not easy to give up a lifestyle, but you did. You have spent the past year making better choices for your life.
I guess I will just say I am very proud of the young man you have become.
I love you, Squirt, and I am glad you made a healthy decision.

Kathy said...

Hey D.....guess I didn't know first hand about your decision to get clean or even that you had a serious problem to start with. But I am proud of you (I've always thought you were pretty darned special). I love that you post often to the blog and share your life with us. Keep up the hard work. And congratulations on your anniversary. I pray we are able to celebrate many more with you! Lots of love, Aunt Kathy