Monday, May 12, 2008

She Made It!

Welcome to Karen's college graduation. It's hard to tell just how far away we are in this photo but when the class came in, we couldn't see a single thing. In this photo most people are sitting down.

Then it started to rain and the event became "survival of the fittest".....cold, damp, no--wet, and THIS photo shows what we saw through most of the ceremony. UMBRELLAS!
In the end, Karen still received her diploma--complete with a gold sticker after her name that said "cum laude" which she didn't know what it meant! If any one else wonders, it means she graduated with honors. (I think her final gpa was 3.36--not bad for someone who was scared she wasn't going to make it!)
I could show you photos of the fam, but since you know what we all look like, I thought I would show the core group of Karen's college existence. From left to right: Robert Lynn, Karen's "friend of the boy kind" who graduated with departmental honors. Very smart guy!! We enjoyed meeting him again and talking sports! Then Karen. Then Stone. I don't think Karen would have made it through college without this trusty housemate and friend. I think if you could have a best man instead of a maid of honor as a bride, Stone would be it! And on the far right is Karen's friend Kyle. He really knows how to dance and make Karen laugh!

We made it through. By the way, we also saw Christie and Casey's new home. It's just beautiful. I can't wait to stay in the green room again! The girls and Casey will be home Memorial Day weekend. I hope you will all see them then!


Poopsie said...

What, another green room?
Wow, Ruth will be so excited!
I can not wait until I can see everyone again.
By the wya, I loved the ohotos of the graduation. It has made me glad that my diploma will be mailed. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Karen!! Well done! I am very proud of you!